The neck and side amazons were the first “scary” hoop moves I tried. The sliding out, hoping your arm will hold you is pretty terrifying when you’ve first started! I immediately loved the shape of them though. Now, after 5 years they’re still some of my favourite moves.
After having learnt the neck amazon and the side amazon, I progressed to the elbows and split legs. It’s great to put them in combinations and there are also so many leg variations which can totally change the look of them. Amazons look amazing in both pictures and routines!
The moves
- Side amazon
- Neck amazon
- Single legged amazon
- Elbow amazon
- No handed elbow amazon
- Amazon split – If you struggle with your split, check out my Leg Stretches to get your Splits post.
I hope you love an amazon as much as I do! Let me know which one is your favourite. xx