I realise I didn't write a New Year's Resolutions post in January. It was on my to do list then life took over and BAM it's March already. There's been a lot of talk this year about whether new year resolutions are a good thing to do, I think if it works for you then why not. For me, it's a great time to look back over the year and decide if there're any changes I want to make going forward. Now we have settled into the year, it's the perfect time to do a little self check and see how we're getting on with our new year goals.
Studies show that the majority of us have given up our resolutions by now. It's not always a bad thing to give up on a resolution, it could be that it wasn't the right time for that goal, or other things have become more important. One of the biggest mistakes we make when making resolutions is to set a goal that is just too big and going at it full throttle, we then feel overwhelmed and fall at the first hurdle. I've definitely done that before!
Self Check
My fitness resolution was to train more for myself. This is going really well! Turning my aerial hobby into my career, whilst being amazing, has meant that when I train I'm always thinking about teaching points. Doing something just for fun has been a goal for years but this year I've finally created time for it. I've discovered that I love the challenge of hand balancing and have been practising a couple of times a week. I'm rediscovering my love of the gym and I also went to a calisthenic class at Norwich Calisthenics and definitely plan to do more! As I'm reducing the hours that I'm teaching, I'm having more energy to put into training for myself.

My plan to eat more plant-based is going OK. I eat mostly plant- based anyway, I'm just finding it hard to cut out the last little bits. I have a such sweet tooth so need to find a vegan chocolate that satisfies the craving!
My well-being goal was to cut down on endless scrolling, I'm totally succeeding on some days and totally failing on other days! I feel so good and am so much more productive when I don't get sucked into the black hole that is social media and cat videos!
Going Forward
If like me, you've set goals or resolutions for this year, now is a great time to look back over them and write down how you're getting on with each one. Jotting down any problems you've had and how you're going to work around them is a good way of refocusing your mind. You could even do this every couple of months, hopefully by the end of the year you will have achieved your goals or be well on your way to ticking them off.
If you don't manage to achieve your resolution, don't be too hard on yourself. I love striving toward goals and I think having goals can be really beneficial, but priorities change and life doesn't always go to plan. Isn't that the fun part?!
How are you getting on with your New Year's Resolutions?
Be unique,
Robyn xx